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WIFI calling activation and EXT connection

Hi All


I have followed every forum topic about how to enable LTE VOIP on my phone and I confirm it is activated. 

I have double checked my accout with Koodo which state that I have the option enabled.


Here is the problem. 

I cannot enable WIFI calling on my PIXEL 6

I cannot manually connect to EXT network at my home. I have 0% signal when set to automatic, EXT is 100% but cannot connect to it.

My girlfriend is with FIZZ and she has 100% signal with the same phone under FIZZ network.


If I cannot solve this I will move to FIZZ. Been a Koodo customer for 13 years.


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There is only 1 location where the EXT network is available.


To enable Wifi Calling you need to be connected to the Koodo network. What location are you in?  Are you in an area where Koodo has coverage?

You said you are a 13 year customer.  Have you been able to connect to the network where you are previously and it just stopped recently?

Are there others near you who use Koodo/Telus who are also having trouble connecting?


Are you able to insert your sim into your girlfriend’s phone and see if it works?



Yes I tried in every possible location to enable WIFI calling. 

Since I got my Pixel 6 Wifi calling couldn’t be enabled. I’ve read that I needed to have VOIP LTE in my account enabled to do so, which I comfirmed. I had a samsung A70 before and it worked great (Wi-Fi calling)

I am inside Koodo coverage map but it is a dead spot for me and all my neighbors who are with Koodo. Rogers reception is excellent. One of my neighbor just changed all of his company cellphone to Rogers because Koodo had 0 reception at the pin point location on the image.

I could try switching SIMS.

Last night I tried with a cellphone booster and it would show 100% signal but couldn’t text and couldn’t call. Only available network I see are EXT and VIDEOTRON SOMETHING FORGIVEN.



Niveau d'utilisateur 2
Badge +3

If you were able to activate wifi calling on your Samsung A70, the the issue sounds like it could be an issue with the Pixel 6.  Have you tried resetting your network settings on the Pixel? (note any wifi and bluetooth connections will be lost.


Are you able to try again with the A70?

I did the reset. It still says “ Activation failed, please contact your carrier to active WIFI calling”.


A70 is dead.

Niveau d'utilisateur 2
Badge +3

In that case I would request a callback via Koodo assist and have a rep look into your account regarding wifi calling
